Abstracts are provided in English or Russian.
Formatting Guidelines
Text editors:
- Microsoft Word (all versions, file extensions .doc or .rtf)
- Open Office Write (all versions, file extensions .odt)
- LaTeX (all versions, file extensions .tex for main text and .sty for style files)
- Equation editor integrated in Microsoft Office/Open Office/LaTeX
The main parameters of the document:
- Format is А4.
- Left and right indents: 2.0 cm, space before and space after: 2.0 cm.
- Number of pages: from 2 to 4.
- Main font: Times Roman (or Modern for LaTeX) 12 pt.
- A font for signatures to pictures, tables and list of references:r
Times Roman (or Modern for LaTeX) 10 pt.
- Interval: 1.3 х 12 pt.
- Indentation: 1.25 cm.
- Pictures (colour or black-and-white) should be placed in document for Office and provided as separate files for LaTeX.
- The pdf- file with the model of abstracts is obligatory.
- The pictures should be in formats: bmp, jpg, gif, eps.
Compulsory fields within:
On the first page:
- The author's last name and initials (Ivanov I.I.) with footnotes in the bottom of the page, containing the name of organization, position, post and e-mail addresses for each author.
The name of the speaker underlined.
- The full name of main organization (speaker’s organization) from which the report is given.
Abstract sections:
- Introduction
- Text body (may contain several numbered sections)
- Conclusion
- References
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